1. 考生须按要求自己携带合格的候选标准患者参加考试,标准患者必须为18岁以上、具备完全民事行为能力的成年人,在考试的过程中仅限中文或者英文,具备与参加考试的考生进行交流的能力,并能够与护士和考官交流。
2. 参加考试的考生及其所在的医疗机构应完成所有参与考试的标准患者相关风险知情同意内容,并签书面知情同意书。
3. 每一考试科目/诊疗项目可准备2名标准患者备选,考官确定符合条件的1名实施考试,如所准备的2名标准患者均不符合条件,该科目的考试将视作自动放弃,并终止本次临床实践技能考试。
4. 考生在参加实践技能考试前应亲自诊察标准患者,完善治疗前的各项辅助检查(如X光片等),完成治疗前的病历记录,所有相关准备工作完成质量将作为实践技能考试成绩的组成部分。
2. 口腔颌面外科:每位考生提供一位需行拔牙术的患者。所供拔除之患牙应当是磨牙,且不松动的。
3.口腔修复科:每位考生提供一位已经完成修复前各项准备工作,符合全冠修复或前牙桩核冠修复或固定桥修复治疗适应证的患者。 拟行修复的患牙应具备如下条件:①如需牙髓治疗,修复2周前应完成根管治疗且达到根管充填的合格标准;②无根尖病变;③未进行牙体预备,④有邻牙和对牙合牙。准备好治疗所需的有关器械、材料及相应的X线片) 。
2 .口腔修复科:
2.理论考试 时间要求:
3.实践技能考试 时间要求:
2014年1月 6日
(Revised October 31, 2013 )
To help the foreign doctors who apply for the General Dentistry finishing the clinical practice exam smoothly, the applicant and the medical institution should read carefully and prepare in accordance with the following requests. If you have any question, please connect with the officer of the exam center.
I. Examination preparations
1. Language
A. Only Chinese or English is permitted to use in the written examination and examinee should choose either language.
B. Only Chinese or English is permitted to use in the examination of clinical practice skills. The examinee should be skillful in expression of language and word in either Chinese or English.
C. In the examination of clinical practice skills, translator is not allowed to enter exam room, and the nurse is not allowed to help with translation
2. Preparation for standard patients
A. The examinee should bring standard patients selected by himself (herself) as required. The patients must be over 18 years of age and have full capacity for civil conduct. Only Chinese or English is permitted to use in the examination. The patient should be able to communicate with the examinee, nurses and the examiners.
B. The examinee and the medical institution should inform the standard patients all the related risks before the exam and sign the written informed consent.
C. The examinee can prepare two standard patients for every subject of examination. The examiners will choose one patient to take examination of the clinical practice. If neither of the two patients prepared can meet the standards, it will be regarded as waiver for this subject and the entire clinical practice exam will be terminated.
D. The examinee should examine the standard patient in person before the clinical practice exam and finish the accessory examinations (such as X ray) and medical record before treatment. All the preparations before the clinical practice exam will be scored as part of the exam.
3. Preparation for appliances, materials and so on
The medical institution should prepare for the examinee all appliances and materials (including clothes, work hat, masks and gloves) needed for the treatment, and make sure that all the appliances, materials and local anesthetic have the permission for clinical use from Drug Administration Law of P.R. China and other related laws and regulations. Examinees who bring their own digital image data, should also bring their own display equipment (e.g.notebook computer) available for reading.
4. Nurse
Examinee should bring a nurse registered in Mainland China, who can communicate with the examinee in Chinese or English in clinical examination and assist the examinee in the clinical practice But the nurse is not allowed to help with translation for the examinee or the patient, otherwise the clinical exam will be terminated. On the test day, the nurse must provide her or his professional qualification documents.
II.What to do in the clinical examination for foreign dentists
1. Care for the patient and communication with the patient;
2. Ask about medical history of the patient;
3. Clinical examination;
4. Diagnosis and support of the diagnosis, differential diagnosis;
5. Treatment plan;
6. Treatment procedure;
7. Medical advice after operation.
III. Foreign dentists who apply for practising in Beijing China need to prepare standard patients in clinical examination
There are two kinds of clinical examination for foreign dortors who apply for Dentistry: General Dentistry and special field of Dentistry. The applicants who would like to apply for special field should provide the general dentist certificate acquired in mainland China within validity.
1.Standard patients for an applicant in general practice
The applicant for general dentistry should pass all of the three examinations: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics. The applicants are strongly supposed to prepare case history, appliances, materials and radiographs required for the treatment.
A. Operative dentistry and Endodontics: Choose a restorative case (filling treatment) or an endodontic case for the examination. The case should meet the following criteria.
a. The restorative case: The tooth should be maxillary or mandibular molar affected by interproximal decay (requiring class Ⅱ cavity preparation), and have adjacent and opposite teeth. The cavity floor of tooth decay should be in the deep dentin.
b. The endodontic case: The tooth should be maxillary molar or mandibular molar with good endodontic and restorative prognosis. The qualified PA X-ray image of the tooth is required.
B. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: a patient with a tooth requiring extraction. The tooth requiring extraction must be molar and not be loose.
C. Prosthodontics: a patient who has received all necessary pre-prosthodontic treatment and requires crown or crown with post and core or fixed bridge restoration. The tooth has received perfect endodontic treatment 2 weeks before,no apical leisions,but tooth preparation for crown has not been done,the tooth to be treated must have adjacent and opposite tooth. Preparing appliances, materials and radiographs (PA X-ray) required for the treatment.
2.Standard patient for an applicant in a special field
The applicant for a special field should pass the examination of general dentistry for foreign dentist in Beijing,and the certificate should be within the valid period set by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. The applicant can apply for the following fields: ①Oral and maxillofacial Surgery;②Prosthodontics;③Orthodontics;④Endodontics; ⑤Periodontics; Oral⑥Pedodontics;⑦Implantology。
A. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: ① a patient with an impacted third molar of the lower jaw requiring extraction. ②The patient must be over 18 years of age.
B. Prosthodontics:
a. Providing full data of two finished cases:one is fixed partial denture; the other is removable partial denture. ③The patients must be over 18 years of age.
b. The data should include: ① records of whole treatment process; ② pretreatment and posttreatment X-ray data; ③ models before and after treatment; ④ photo pictures or slides before and after treatment.
c. Provide a standard edentulous patient; other preparations: ①panoramic radiograph, final impression trays, final casts, trial denture bases; ②operation: making final impression, recording centric relation.
C. Orthodontics:
a. Provide full data of three finished cases:two are Class Ⅱ extraction cases (permanent dentition ) who have been treated with any fixed appliance; one is other type of malocclusion.
b. The data should include: ① records of whole treatment process; ② plaster models before and after treatment; ③ pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalometric radiographs analysis; ④ other related X-ray data, such as panoramic, radiograph of TMJ; ⑤ face and dental films (photo or slide) before, after and in the procedure.
D. Endodontics: Choose an endodontic case for endodontic retreatment using a dental operating microscope. The tooth to be retreated should be maxillary or mandibular molar.
E. Periodontics:
a. Provide a first visiting patient with moderate and severe chronic periodontitis.
b. Full mouth periapical films must be required.
c. Test contents: full mouth periodontal examination, diagnosis, treatment plan, manual scaling in one quadrant region.
F. Pedodontics:
a. A child patient who is on his first visit and can cooperate during clinical examination and treatment.
b. With caries or pulp disease needing conservation treatment or missing premature or permanent tooth needing prosthodontic treatment.
c. Provide full data of a case (eg. periapical, bite wing, panoramic, occlusal. lateral view of jaw or dental plastic model…)
G. Oral Implantology
a. Please provide full data of three finished cases.
b. The data should include: ① records of whole treatment process; ② pretreatment and posttreatment X-ray data, such as panoromic, CT results; ③ intraoral pictures after restoration of implants;④ model surgery data, overall design
c. Provide one patient who is ready to go through implant treatment. ⑤ The patient must be over 18 years of age.
IV. Examination time
1. The Examination Center for Foreign Physician will inform medical institutions about the time for written exam and clinical practice. The examinee should arrive at the exam room of clinical practice on time according to the admission ticket, otherwise he(she) will be regarded as giving up the exam.
2. Written examination time:
a. General dentistry: 120 minutes(including Operative dentistry and Endodontics, Oral and maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics )
b. Special fields: 40 minutes per subject.
3. Clinical practice time
a. General dentistry: ①Operative dentistry and Endodontics: 60 minutes; ② Oral and maxillofacial Surgery: 30 minutes; ③Prosthodontics: 60 minutes.
b. Special fields: ①Oral and maxillofacial Surgery: 50 minutes;②Prosthodontics: 60 minutes;③Orthodontics: 40 minutes;④Endodontics:60 minutes; ⑤Periodontics: 40 minutes; Oral⑥Pedodontics:40 minutes.⑦Implantology: 40 minutes.
V. In any of the following cases, the exam will be terminated.
1. If all of the two patients provided by the applicant are not the standard patient as required, after review the examiner team has the right to stop the examination.
2. Examinee should prepare appliances, materials, radiographs and related case history needed for the treatment. Examinees who bring their own digital image data, should also bring their own display equipment (e.g.notebook,computer) available for reading. If the examinee does not provide the necessary above-mentioned things, making the examination difficult to proceed, the examiner team has the right to stop the examination after review.
3. Only Chinese or English is permitted to use in the examination and examinee should choose either language before the examination. Translator is not allowed to enter the clinical examination room. The nurse is not allowed to help with translation. Examinee who cannot communicate in Chinese or English for any reason will not be allowed to continue the examination after the review of the examiner team.
VI. Other requests:
1. The applicant for general dentistry should pass all of the three examinations: Operative dentistry and Endodontics, Oral and maxillofacial Surgery and Prosthodontics.
2. The applicants who would like to apply for special field should provide the general dentist certificate acquired in mainland China.
Examination Center for Foreign Physician in Beijing
January 6, 2014